14 Radicals is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of our teen youth. Our youth is our most precious resource. In today's troubling times it has become paramount to transform our society's thinking on the issues of ignorance and intolerance toward race, nationality, religion, and individual expression. Our future as a society depends upon us all Respecting and Accepting Differences In Courage And Love Sincerely. 

Our goal is to begin this fundamental change with our youth - after all it is their future as well as ours that we must protect from violence and war - the fruits of misunderstanding and hatred.

Please join us in our peaceful and loving efforts to make this planet a better place for all of us to live in. 

Look at our world and ask what can I do to make a difference...

14 Radicals is all about helping teens to celebrate their differences, work together as a team, explore their creative energies, and contribute their time and talent to help themselves and the communities in which they live. 

14 Radicals is all about change. Changing the way we think and act especially towards "others" who may not conform to our way of thinking. Naturally, we tend to pass on this flawed thinking to our children. THE CYCLE MUST STOP. We must undergo fundamental changes. The changes we must undergo are necessary and forthright. The transformation of our society away from prejudicial thinking is imperative if we are to survive as a society.

This may seem like a monumental task - well, it is. But it is crucial to our very survival. And... it all begins with a few small steps. Small steps we can all take together to make a HUGE difference in the world. For most of us adults it is difficult if not impossible to dispel our prejudices. BUT WE CAN INFLUENCE OUR CHILDREN, mold their thinking and enable them to become responsible, loving citizens.

The first step is always the hardest. Take that first step and JOIN US for the noble journey ahead.